What to know about Employee Assistance Programs

In light of recent global events,  let’s talk a little more about what you can do to assist your employees to overcome challenges in their personal and work life.

Employee Assistance Programs (EAP) are work-based intervention programs designed to identify and assist employees in resolving personal problems which may adversely affect the employee’s performance. Such programs often cover:

It is not a legislative requirement that employers provide EAP, however many companies provide EAP to increase employee performance and increase retention of employees. EAP is used effectively as a form of best practice to create mental and physically healthy workplaces and overall positive work environments.

EAP is commonly used in the police force and military services, as well as community organisations dealing with high risk individuals or particularly stressful environments. EAP is often used in these workplaces as a way to reduce the impact on workplace stress and reduce the risk to work cover claims.

EAP’s are employer funded, thus free of charge to the employee. If you are considering introducing EAP you should have a well thought out policy which should cover:

For more information how you can access our partner EAP Provider Acacia EAP contact the CMSolutions team on 1300 007 110.